A Sea of Librarians

I am at the annual American Librarian Association conference in Washington, D.C. as a guest of the publisher of my large-print edition, Center Point Press (which is based coincidentally in my home state of Maine). I signed copies of the book yesterday and will be back at the booth between 1 and 3 pm today. If you are in town and coming to the conference, I hope you'll visit me.

Yesterday, I arrived at the convention center just as the gates were opening, and I don't know how to say this, but I was just overwhelmed by the sheer number of librarians present. Because libraries are some of my favorite places in the world, I have found this conference a reassuring place to be, although I worry about the future of community libraries in an increasingly digital world. But there is a vibrance here and a feeling of good fellowship that is bracing.

I also had what I think was my first official celebrity moment. A woman in line saw my name badge and exclaimed, "The Poacher's Son!" It turns out she is a huge fan of the book. And yes, that experience, of being recognized and praised by a stranger, was as cool as it sounds.