“Tired of your stay-at-home psychological thriller, where all the suspense plays out in the mind of a suburban voyeur? Hungry for action, adventure and physical danger? Take a Jeep ride with 31-year-old Maine game warden Mike Bowditch, the narrator of Paul Doiron’s “DEAD BY DAWN” (Minotaur, 294 pages, $27.99).”
So begins Tom Nolan’s wonderful review of my new novel in the Wall Street Journal. It’s always such a pleasure when a reviewer appreciates the genre-bending, structural risks I took with DEAD BY DAWN.
Nolan sums it up: “DEAD BY DAWN” mixes Jack London-style peril with the DIY inventiveness of TV’s “MacGyver” and the thrill of Richard Connell’s classic pursuit story “The Most Dangerous Game.”
Influences all.